Initially we were please with this dentist. However after having overpaid for a procedure it has been a nightmare to try and recover the monies owed to us. We have been inquiring with the office staff to try and follow up on receiving our outstanding monies since February. Every time we have followed up we are given a different excuse as to the status of the monies owed. We have NEVER received a call from the office on the status of the payment. We have since elected to join a different dental firm. I have requested the dental records be transferred to the new firm. The office staff took the email address where we requested the records be sent and at now over a week, the records have not been transferred. We fear this request will be handled like those in the past. In my last visit to the office to request the transfer of records they elected to ask me to leave the office under the premise they were closing for lunch in lieu of trying to work with me on the transfer of records and follow up to the monies owed to us. The dental side of the business is OK but from a business stand point be very careful on how you handle financial transactions with this office.