So I heard my neighbourhood was getting some sort of specialty bulk store (ahh, the power of Twitter) but I was not aware it was opening up on the other side of my apartment building. This is a good thing as it means I don't have walk far to find it (the power of Google failed me - could not find its address online).
They specialize in all things organic... chocolate covered almonds are organic, right??? In any case, their junk food section is small and that's a good thing. They focus on different pastas, dried fruits, flours, tea, coffee and a pantload of other stuff.
Now, there's no way it can rival The Bulk Barn in size or quantity but the quality of their product is top notch (so say I as I snack on some honey-roasted pecans). Plus, it's a great addition to this neighbourhood and give it time, it may become a solid staple... oh and the owner is super nice (and cute - teehee)!