| - I started going here last year because my graduate student lifestyle had left me unable to move my neck more than about 20 degrees to the left. My health insurance is through Unity, and covers chiropractic visits for a documented problem. I had previously gone to Leudtke-Storm a few years back, and stopped going because I didn't feel like they were helping that much.
This place, however, is GREAT. All the doctors are good (I've seen 3 of the 4 who practice there, I believe). It took about 8 months of increasingly interspersed visits, all covered by insurance, but I feel a million times better--and I can actually touch my left ear to my shoulder again, too. I am now paying out of pocket for some regular maintenance, since my insurance doesn't cover it; the visits are reasonably priced and there's a discount for paying at time of service.
Also, I really appreciate that the doctors there are socially responsible and involved in the community. One of them regularly participates in charity chiropractic clinics for low-income people; another one donated $50 to a charity run/walk that I participate in every year after I mentioned it during a visit (we were working on my hip to make sure I was in good running shape).
Finally, they are great about scheduling very promptly, moving appointments around, and reminding you about upcoming appointments. It's super easy to get in.