Do not waste your time. They are stuck in the past. They close for lunch and they have no way to be contacted other than MyChart which doesn't work. They will never call you back or answer your pharmacy's calls. You will have to hound them to give you the care you need. They all reall act like they are just a business and do not care about people. The old doctors are nicer but kind of out of it. Then they retire. The young doctors are power hungry bossy and rude. Gross Lose-Lose situation. I am sick of getting Botox notifications and other non-essential "services" that a lady-parts office shouldn't focus on. Focus on the patients not cosmetic procedures for you face and eyelashes. This is. It a good business model. Triage nurses are surly and gruff. Chastising you if the deem you slack. Pardon moi, madam, but you are not a doctor. Wait times are long. People eating smelly foods in he waiting room. The chart information is ALWAYS wrong. I have to read it with a fine toothed comb to mark out tons of information that is wrong. Clearly someone's file is merged with mine. That is not good health care. And HIPAA would not approve. They don't care about that either. Don't let the location fool you. It may as well be a free clinic that's expensive in da hood.