| - Skylight Concepts recommended Sunik Roofing as doing excellent work.
End of August 2010, Sunik Roofing began the work. They quoted the job at $12,000 to take 3 days. It took 7 days, to no fault of Sunik Roofing.
I have an extremely steep A-line roof, with a few peaks. Three workers spent 1 day setting up safety lines. It took a day, because my roof joists were not running the usual direction. This house was designed by an artist, and he and a friend of his in construction built the house. Not everything was done the way a contractor who builds houses for a living would do.
Day 2, seven guys began working. The first 3 days were in the heat of the sun, the next 3 in the cold wind, and sometimes light rain. They worked from 9 a.m. until 9:45 pm, when it was dusk. By the time they packed up to drive away, it was dark, and pitch black. I live in the country.
They worked hard everyday, and they did an excellent job. They earned every dollar. Roof lines don't come anymore difficult and dangerous, than mine. I tipped each of them. They deserved it.
The final day was a Sunday, and 2 fellows spent half the day cleaning up.
When these guys anticipate a job will take only 3 days, they're scheduled to start the next day. When a job sets them back 4 days ... now they are behind for their next job, and they still get paid the same amount. No matter, my roof took them 4 extra days, they did an excellent job.
BTW, after my roof was done, I watched a Holmes on Holmes program regarding roofing in Toronto, and what to look for. I had 4 roofers come to give me a quote, and Sunik Roofing is the ONLY roofing coming that pulled out a ladder, and actually climbed up on my roof to take measurements to determine the estimated cost. Two roofing companies walked around my house to take a look, then sent me an estimate. And one roofing guy walked around my house with a measuring tape ... supposedly taking measurements for the estimate.
Mike Holmes said a roofing company should ALWAYS bring his ladder to climb up on the roof and measure it properly. If they don't, look for another roofer. Because Nick at Sunik had done this, and it took him 45 to 60 minutes to measure my roof, I felt proud, that I had made the right choice.
Five Stars for Sunik Roofing! You won't have any regrets.
Also, 1.5 yrs later, I had problems with water coming in my chimney, into my house, causing damage. It only happened with the rain was blown from a particular direction, and coming down heavy. Supposedly, another roofing company had fixed the "too small cap, made for my chimney" 6 yrs ago. NOT. Sunik guys came out, climbed on my roof in the rain, measured, and had a custom built cap made for my chimney. It cost $860.00, they installed it a week later. The cost of the damage caused by the rain coming in was more, and not covered by insurance. I could only take the word of the last roofing company, as my roof is too steep for me to climb, and I'm terrified of heights (female), so I'd never be climbing on my roof to check the job was actually done. So Thank you Sunik Roofing!