Warning! Management and office staff are extremely rude and disrespectful of all tenants.
Way over priced rent because of location, which is really all they have going for themselves. Fights with greedy owner and restaurant tenants in the same building lead to sad and frequent failures of restaurants that rent the space.
They will bend over backwards to get you to sign a lease but once you are in they treat you like shit. I am always hearing them literally yell at tenants and have screaming matches when I am in the office. It's pretty disturbing and disappointing. every person who leaves Butler has always felt like its good ridding not any nostalgia.
In addition, if you don't renew your lease in october expect about 30-50 people entering your apartment for showings for THE REST OF THE YEAR! It's ridiculous! I wish I was exaggerating but 30-50 is accurate. I have seen them enter apartments when the tenants are taking showers, sleeping in their bed, and they even move and touch the tenants personal property without the tenants knowing. I have personally witnessed this.
I think if they hired new staff and treated their current tenants with more respect this would be the most desired place to live in Madison. It's a shame cause the office staff really ruin the experience.
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