As I got closer to my due date... in fact only 10 days away I got a phone call that my midwife had left the practice. She had given 90 days notice but they had let her go immediately. That's not a kind thing to do to a woman who was within days of delivering. 95% of my appointments were with a certain midwife, and with her gone I felt completely alone!! When I went in to meet with the staff after getting this news, Doctor Kells met with me and was really unkind about my weight gain. I had only gained 25 pounds - I didn't think that was too bad. He said I should probably think about having a c-section since he thought that based off of looking at me I was going to have a big baby. Ended up that my baby was only 6lbs 11 ounces. I don't count that big at all. I was able to follow my midwife (Praise God!!) and switched practices days before delivering. During my last appointment at Boojum, one of the front desk ladies came from behind the counter and gave me a hug. She was crying. She apologized for the situation I was in, and said she was just as devastated. She apologized again and again saying that I was put in a horrible situation.
I think its pretty awful that people think about the bottom line, and losing patients, as opposed to being good to the customer/patient. Especially with people who are needing care for such an important part of their life. I can't think of much that is more important than giving birth for the first time. I am pretty frustrated with the way this office handled the entire transition. I know of 3 people who have left the practice after this transition because of other ways their level of care was handled.