Everyone at this CVS is beyond friendly and always on top of their game. I thought the first couple times I was checking out that the girl with blonde curly hair was a little out of control... by out of control I mean totally cracked out, then I realized I think it's just her personality. In the matter of like 2 minutes of checking out, she called me gorgeous like 6 times, told me "way to stay hydrated!" because I got a Gatorade, and then gave me about a dozen other compliments and really shes just overly sweet and honestly it is so hard to find people who truly love and or are happy at their job, but this girl tops it all so you can't even knock her. She even hums little tunes and says like "la tee da dee da" all while just putting your stuff in a bag. I'm sorry but if anything, she always makes your day a little brighter... !