I worked for this company for over 1 year as the Restroom Attendant. The new manager Gary was extremley disrepectful and offensive towards me. When he arrived I had introduced myself to him and told him that if there were any problems to please address them with me and we would handle them. I reminded him that my staff and I are human and misktakes will be made. Just keep a open door and good communication with me and we can fix any issue. The company does not pay a hourly to me or my staff we work only off of the kindness of others (Tips) Understanding that arrangmet it is also understood that my company and the staff are independent contractors and can come and go as they please and managment has no authority to request such instructions until we are on payroll. With that being said Thursday which is a local support night via the owner Michael and is not required that we cover the venue. After making $15 in tips for the night multiple weeks in a row i decided Thursday were not worth my or the staff time to cover the shift. However had mangement requested we have coverage for Thursdays I would have been more than willing to comprimise a agrrement that worked for both parties. I have many accounts Aria, Planet Hollywood, Downtown Summerlin Etc. Doors open at 11 but didnt see any business until 1 so i usually showed up around 12:30 which was perfect because we close down Javiers inside of Aria around 12:00. Again if it was a issue he should have brought it to my attention. I came into work Saturday night and he told me that he found another service to take over operations and my company was no longer needed at the venue. Come to find out he appointed not a company with a license and insurance with contracts but my old independent contractor. What a sleezy move to steal my staff and then have the audacity to tell me my company was horrible, well it cant be that bad if your hiring my workers. It is extremely illegal to operate without proper licensing and report to the taxation department something this staff member Deondre knows nothing about. The owner could loose his liquor license if the authorities were notified. He made a poor choice to replace me with my staff member. If he contracted a new company and checked into their liscensing i woul d at least respect him but as far as I know he didnt and is putting the whole company in jeopardy. Since he arrived I have seen the numbers decrease immensley and customer service is lower he also got rid of the cleaning crew that kept the club safe and clean. He is not the right fit fot the club and that will become apparent very soon. The club itself is nice and a great local gay club but management is running it into the ground. Ask anyone in the city I have a great reputation and my company is growing and will be the first company to implement digital marketing and advertising for venues in the restroom using digital screens. We just got the contract for the Aria Hotel (Casino Butlers) Taking care of VIP / Sports Book / Table Games Acting as Concierge for the guests. Feel free to stop in and see our service at Aria and you will see our company is one of the better choices out there. Its just about communication and good business I guess Gary doesnt know either. Good luck with my guy. Lol