Well. ...Since first impressions are everything my first reaction to the closet we stayed in was less than expected by a long shot. One push on my wheelchair and I was across the room. Couldn't turn around unless I was in the right spot due to the jutted out desk.
But at least there was an HD tv.....5ft above my head in corner which had better color when viewed backwards through the mirror covering the wall on the opposing side.
Not to worry. ..the bed is wonderful and blankets are incredibly warm. So the highlight of the room comes when u r passed out and asleep.
The bathroom fan comes on every time the light is on which wouldn't b so bad if it didn't sound like a windstorm.
Going out to breakfast in the lobby is disgusting. Since I'm short I see the side of things not always viewed on an everyday basis. The milk station had mold growing on the underside of it and the juice station had so much old juice sprayed underneath the spout from users prior it looked like someone sneezed molasses. Yes. Brown goo from apple & orange juice.
As my husband and daughter went out to the car, pushing open the heavy doors with a handicapped sticker on them for who knows what reason since there was no door assist, we breathed a sigh of release as the claustrophobia declined:)