I have recently lost about seventy pounds and I take my rare chances to pig the eff out very seriously. I typically go to a frozen yogurt place and make myself sick with mini peanut butter cups, but ever since discovering Churn, I can't make a trip to the area without being tempted. Churn has a bit of an eclectic mix of different sundaes and floats that make me want to try something new every time, my favorites so far are the smores and Elvis sundaes, the Elvis being my newest finding and its mix of salty and sweet is mind blowing. This place is worth the extra notch in my belt, if it was a bit cheaper it would hit the five star home run, but I can't in good conscience give a perfect rating to a nine dollar sundae. Churn, me and all of the personal trainers out there getting business from the bad decisions made in your shop, love you.