| - I would have to describe the vine as being, first and foremost, a filthy place. Dirty tables... some of them are broken and will fall over if you rest a pitcher on it. Some of the cushy seats inside have large gashes in them and their inside stuffing is bleeding out like entrails.
The crowd is such an odd mixture of lowlives, well-dressed college kids, complete douche bags, metal kids, crusty kids, bros, middle aged boozers, hipsters and that one lady sitting at the end of the bar wearing a cocktail dress with a martini in her hand, a gun in her purse and a dark secret.
That's what I really like about The Vine. It's a strange place, for sure.
The bathroom has graffiti in such high-up places, someone either brought in a chair, stood on somebody's shoulders or had to balance one foot on the urinal and one on the sink in order to get into those awkward corners.
On a few days out of the week, they have $1 you call its. The cover is $5 and you can go to town on cheap drinks. Granted, you don't get a full-ass glass of beer, you get a little plastic cup, but still it's still only a dollar. For dirt cheap, you can get wasted.
It's a cool place to come in and wet your whistle, but I could never see being a regular. I like my dives dirty and I like my crowds strange, but The Vine just has something about it that strikes me as creepy. It really wouldn't surprise me if I found out that The Vine had been build on a piece of land where a family had been slaughtered over a hundred years ago. I don't think the place is haunted by ghosts, but it's definitely haunted by awkwardness.
Whereas most dive bars sort of revel in their own filth, this place is sort of like you went over to your friend's house and found out that they have filthy, alcoholic parents that they're ashamed of.
Check this place out. Friday nights can get poppin' off and you can expect to have a hangover the next day because with $1 drinks... come on.