--I stayed here one year and that was 365 days to many, only apartment I have ever been stung by a scorpion at and I was spraying my apartment every other week.
--Heated pools in the winter they told me....ok when were they going to start heating it? hell the Spa was never even that hot in the winter.
--Natural gas grills that was a joke it was never even hooked up and yet each month they charge you for natural gas on your bill. Nothing in the aprtments use natural gas.
--Great ready for some large energy bills I moved into a 4 bedroom house and I pay the same amount as the one bedroom I had there. Windows are paper thin, cracks around all doors, you can even feel the heat or cold coming around the windows.
--Carpets cant be kept clean, they use a cheap cleaning service that allows the carpets to get dirty again very quickly, man when we left after only a year any dirt in the year was placed deep in the carpet and we vacuumed twice a week throughout and daily in heavy traffic areas.
--They also wanted to raise our rates after one year, with everyone moving into cheaper housing (example we pay 630 for a 4 bedroom house and we paid 610 for a 1 bedroom apt) you think they would give you some incentives to stay put.
Look else where.....