Visits: 1st
Rating: 3.5*
Service: excellent service
Dishes: Terrine De Fois Gras; Spaghetti Homard Lobster
This place is very cosy. Since we didn't have reservations, we went for a seat at the bar so we can eat sooner. We're on a schedule. But the service was excellent & accommodating.
-Terrine De Fois Gras (3*). So we tend to enjoy our fois when done right. Although good this style terrine isn't something we're into. It leans towards the more stiff style paste & we like our fois more melt in your mouth. This is for more acquired tastes since the liver taste is much stronger. It's also a large portion. Which we could only eat a certain amount until the strong liver taste started getting to us. The few first bites were fine though.
-Spaghetti Homard Lobster (4*). Delicious dish. My wife liked it much more than I did. The spaghetti was coated in this buttery, slightly cheesy sauce, which wasn't overpowering, it was subtle but flavorful. With chunks of lobster sprinkled in.