I chipped a tooth and scheduled an appointment with Accucare Dental to have it fixed. Rather than jumping into a repair... I was charged $130 so they could look at it and TELL ME I had a chipped tooth. Ummm.... I already knew that. Set a follow up appointment so they could actually begin to resolve my issue.
Follow up appointment started off bad and got worse. Dr. Wilcox applied a topical numbing agent to the area in preparation for a shot. I believe perhaps my receding gum line may have been the culprit but regardless... whatever he applied hit the nerve and hurt like hell. My reaction to this pain clearly didn't sit well with Dr. Wilcox. In fact,.... his dental assistant empathized with me and the pain I was in and D W quickly dismissed her sympathy indicating that I shouldn't have reacted that way. Side Note.... I have a tattoo sleeve that spans around my shoulder and goes to my wrist. 22 hours of needle poking me so.... If I tell you I am in pain....... I AM REALLY IN PAIN!!!
Now comes the shots in the roof of my mouth and into my gums. No problems whatsoever with that pain,... however for some reason my nasal passages immediately closed ( im talking within 30 seconds ). Not sure why but suddenly I could only breathe through my mouth. As they were waiting for me to get good and numb the dental assistant came over to see which of these rubbery mouth shims would fit my mouth. Imagine a large chunk of rubber shoved in your mouth to keep it open for the dentist to get to his work. I immediately told the gal that I wasn't sure if I could endure this in my mouth clogging my airway in tandem with my nose being clogged. She dismissed my concern and responded with something to the effect of .... "oh its really great and it helps the dentist". While digesting her response..... the show starts and D W sits down.... shoves the plastic in my mouse and gets to work. I could not breathe and within seconds felt as if I was going to have a panic attack. I signalled that I needed them to stop .... which btw was not met with any level of understanding at all. I was made to feel like I was a nuisance and I honestly had all I was going to tolerate that day. I got out of the chair....collected my things and walked out the door.
I must say that some of this experience was personal to me and my physical health and I understand different people respond differently to the nova cane ( or whatever they use )...... but there is just no excuse whatsoever for treating a patient the way I was treated.