We just arrived in the NICK of time. In time to visit the Farm/Winery Store and the Gentleman that greeted us while we were browsing at the Lobby with all the Holiday/Farm decorations. Just be careful of the Tractors lying around but if you have Children, I'm sure those Biped Tractor Cycles will keep them entertained while you Schmooze & Booze in the Store area farther inside.
Christmas Eve we were there to say Happy Holidays to the fellow before they close shop until the month of May. He was happy to oblige with any Tasting Request we had while we browsed through the shop notibly of Apple Cider, Mulled Spices, Fruit Beers, Apple Chips and such. Yes, most of the items even the Wine will have Fruit themed simply because you're in a Fruit Farm.
Can't wait until they open to try some more. Especially the Meade and some more of their Award Winning Fruit Wines and I don't even have to drive an hour to get to Applewood. That time it'll probably be some PICKING time.
Smoke'in Apple(Iced Cider with Hot Chillies & Pepper Corns)
- Not your everyday Beverage but as noted it's a good item to cook with. I was thinking of a juicy thick Pork Chop while I was drinking.
Iced Cider(Soft Sweet Vanilla Spice Nose (18))
- Interesting the preparation of this is similar to Grapes but needs much lower temperature prior to picking. Somewhere in the neighbourhood of -20 rather than -10 which seems quite a task.