I've been a Barking Dogs customer for some time (food/treats/toys) but recently used the grooming services and was very pleased. The prices are very competitive, the staff is always great, and the location is easy to access.
I have a special needs diet pup and Kathy and her staff have been invaluable in helping me select the correct food. Vinnie and Darcy did a beyond outstanding job grooming our three little ones. The little ones looked so good that we didn't immediately recognize one of them. We had no idea the difference we were missing in grooming. All three look and smell amazing.
The staff is always pleasant and you can tell they really care about every customer that comes in the door. They take time to listen to your needs and help you select the best products. They have very high standards and will not carry products that they believe are not the best for your pet. They also are big contributors to and promoters of various animal charities throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Thank you Barking Dogs for your love of pets and their people.