My dinner ruined at a Halloween night. I was starving but my two kids don't eat much and they are picky eater. So I wanted one kids meal so that they both share but the waitress said that we cannot share kids meal cause there is a free salad bar paired with the kids meal. I said my kids don't eat salad or any soup. She insisted that I take the second kids meal so did I. My sister and I each took a meal. Then my husband arrived, he ate already, so he didn't order, he just came to drive us. When the food arrived, I didn't want to waste the kids food since my kids aren't touching the second plate or could barely finish the first one so I asked my husband to eat it to not put to waste. The waitress came to warn us that we cannot share the meal. I told her I'm not sharing but I was forced to take the second kids meal and I don't want to waste the food. She said we cannot share it. I was furious, then my husband complained to the manager. It was the manager's first day and he didn't seem to know what to do at all other than apologizing. And yet, the waitress never apologize. Our appetite was cut so we just asked for the bill and paid in full. Never gonna step foot to any scores again. I have the photo of the waitress which I will share on my personal page.