This little sandwich shop is located in the heart of Chinatown. The plaza it's located is pretty busy so parking can be a hassle, so be aware.
This restaurant is deceivingly large and a for good reason (it gets pretty busy). They carry a plethora of Asian drinks and the American standards. There's open windows to see the fresh baked breads being kneaded by large machines. I didn't get a chance to ask, but just left of the register they were making some type of small baked good from scratch, which is a plus.
The ordering process is simple for the most part, but because it gets pretty busy and the area around the counter is congested, you can loose your place in line if you don't pay attention.
I ordered the roast beef. Quality beef slices, lettuce tomato and mayo on a tasty croissant. The amount of beef given was fair but did leave me hungry for more, so if you go in with an appetite I would double be meat.
All in all it was a good deli experience and when in the area, I'll definitely return.