Yesterday I went to this Future Shop to find a cheap computer printer.
When I got there an employee pointed me in the direction printers were. He was very nice and said if I needed help someone would deffinitly assist me.
When I got to the printer section immediatly after a woman assisted me with my purchase.
I was disapointed to find out that printers are sold w/out cables to connect to your computer! The cheapest printer was around 60$ no cable. So told me you can purchase a cable for an addicional 30$ but said that it would be a better deal if you just bought a wireless printer instead. It would turn out to be about the same price.
The woman was running back and forth for me checking prices and checking other stores prices to see if they can give me some sort of discount.
The wireless printer was 99$ ! Wayy out of my budget!
Eventually I did buy the printer from her.
She saved me an additional $15 on the wireless printer!
The service at this store was excellent!!
I did not feel pressured to buy anything.
And when the lady was off looking for better deals many other sales associates were asking if i needed assistance!
I felt very good leaving there!
I will deffinitly go back to that store again if I need any electronics.