I live close by and have been to several cleaners in the area. In terms of quality of result Tide is hands down the best, its not even close. The only negative is it is a bit on the pricey side. You can see their pricing in the photos other reviewers have posted. For me I only dry clean "nice" things so I'm willing to pay 5ish dollars for a shirt, but if I was a button down drone who needed to dry clean everything all the time it would escalate pretty quickly.
Drop off is very fast- I pull up with a hamper in my backseat, they ask my name and grab it and I go. Pickup is equally quick- I usually wait till have a crapload of stuff to clean and it could be annoying having to carry all those razor sharp hangers around so I appreciate the effort.
In terms of stains/stain removal I would say they do a better job than most dealing with them, which you would expect for the price.
In terms of what they could do better, I like a nice stiff shirt so they go a little easy on the starch for my taste. I also don't like the way they fold/hang sweaters but these are relatively minor points better debated in a haberdashery in caramel than a yelp review.