My cheese knowledge ends at the fact that I like to eat cheese and can pronounce gouda correctly.
So I needed to supply a cheese board for a dinner we were attending in 15 mins. I walked into the shop, which is nestled behind Farm. There is no prepackaged pick and go cheese here, you need to talk to the experts behind the counter.
I told her I was supposed to supply a cheese board, wanted three cheeses and it was for 4 people.
Then BOOM, she was asking what I liked, picking out the perfect amount of portions for each cheese and giving me tips that I felt I could then spew out later during a game of Trivial Pursuit. I also appreciated her showing me how much each cheese cost per gram as she recommended them to me.
Amazing customer service, she was very friendly and we chatted about the terrible weather and eyelashes freezing to our faces, while someone else was being rung through the till. My entire venture took me 5 mins, which was perfect as the man was out back with the car running.
Thanks Janice Beaton Fine Cheese, you rock!