HORRIBLE!!! The busses were filthy, smelled horrible, the audio was impossible to hear, the tour guide filled with useless facts and nothing exciting. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM! $42 was a COMPLETE AND TOTAL RIP OFF! This tour was worth the fare of a public bus - nothing more. This was the worst experience in this beautiful city.
I tried to resolve the following issues: someone in our party getting ill (vomiting) from the jerkiness of the bus and another member getting hit in the face by a branch on a passing tree, by asking for a partial refund.
I was apologized to and told this was horrible and they'd issue a full refund. They never did. I have called the local and headquarters and emailed everyone from the local agent to the CEO. I have been ignored by them all.
We will NEVER use them again and implore everyone else to boycott them as well.