I've been on the High Roller 6 or 7 times now, so I suppose it's finally time to write a review...
It's $21 a ticket for the day ride with a local ID. It's a bit more for night time, and a bit more for non locals. But kids under 12 are always free!
They try to make it really fun while you're walking through to get to the boarding area by having cool lights and music to get you pumped up. They take a profession photo in front of a green screen and add the city backdrop or the Vegas mountains. They're $20 for 1 photo or $35 for 2 with a digital copy and paper frame.
Because it is Vegas after all, of course there's a bar right before boarding so you can get your favorite adult beverage or "liquid courage", if you're afraid of heights.
There are small TV screens inside the pod that provide a "tour guide" to tell you a little about what you're seeing. It informs you of the exact miles up in the air you are at all times. They play music, have a 5 second countdown to the highest point, and even show a video montage of the making of the Farris wheel.
Overall, it's something you should do once. I have a 3 year old who insists on going every time someone comes in town, so that's the only reason I have been so many times... ENJOY!!!