"Smash Hit" my ass.
I'm not sure I saw the same 50 Shades parody that these other reviewers saw, especially the 5 star reviewers.
I left feeling that was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. It was cheesy and lame from start to finish.
I question the legitimacy of some of the reviews. Maybe other people are much easier entertained then myself? Or maybe these are misleading reviews by people associated with this piece of crap trying to lure in tourists to keep a pay check.
A few too many 5 stars reviews for such a cheap production. Just saying,
My wife that drug me in there and is a huge fan of the book trilogy and movie apologized numerous times for even suggesting this play. She herself was more disappointed in this amateur-hour production.
I didn't laugh once, it's was a STINKER!