| - It might not be fair to say I was not only raised in Santa Clara, and That I also lived on Benton St, but it's my baseline for how I remember my favorite spot as a young man. I was witness as this chain grew and grew and grew. The Bay Area first, then SoCal, then Az. Once they opened in Az I tried many times at Town and Country and Shea but It was never any better then just ok. I have been getting social media marketing overload from the latest Az unit, but its out of the way and today was the day I finally made it in.
Upon entering it was noticeable that all 3 employees had set up camp in the lobby and had to get up to take our order at 11:30. I would think that should be a lunch rush, but the place was EMPTY. During our entire stay till around noon not another sole had come in and the staff resumed life at base camp in the lobby.
The sandwich... #9 has been craved for years, and oh I have eaten many from 1976-1985 near my Campus of Buchser High, and SCU. I also have many fond memories of a efficient, bustling, and energetic Togos. I remember the pans of hot steaming Pastrami that the sandwich makers would dip the tongs in to fill your sandwich. Today with modern technology a microwave is used to warm the cold pastrami as its ordered. The taste was close but it was the bread itself that was way off. The bread was probably better then day old and the crust cracked but not in a tasty crunchy way.
I tried again, and I do feel bad for the Arizona Franchise owners that have never found the magic of one of the greatest sandwich shops ever opened.