I am a new customer to Soma, having first seen some ads earlier this year-I went in to try some items and ended up replacing all my bras and undergarments. I recently went to put on my favorite bra only to discover that 1 of the hooks had broken out of the back strap-rendering it unwearable. I went to the store location at Town Square expecting to be able to trade it out for a new piece. The manager-a young lady who called me "Hon"-who calls a client "Hon"? -said I must have put it in the wash machine and there was "absolutely nothing she could do". First off-I am a retail manager and there is always something that you can do-we all have ways to damage/defect out an item-and since they always take your name and address and I certainly get plenty of email from Soma so know they have my information-she would have seen that I've bought plenty of product. I left it with her and told her to throw it in the trash as it was now useless. I've been washing bras for 40 years and never had one break out a hook in the short time I owned it. Expected better. Also should tell the young manager that a brand catering to a mature demographic should lose the attitude and up the problem solving skills. Although I want to like the product-won't be back to this location in Town Square if I shop again.