Horrible customer service every time I go in there. Last time there were 4 employees standing near the front entrance inside just talking to each other. They clearly saw I was looking at some water fountains that were stacked in the aisle and never once asked me if I needed help. I did need help because there was no pricing on any of the items and when I asked one of them for pricing I got an attitude and a "I am not sure, I can go check if you would like?". WTF? Yes I would like you to check on pricing, that's why I asked. When the guy finally comes back he tells me the price then walks away. He made no effort to put price tags on any of the items so I am sure there was more customers that had no idea how much the fountains cost.
The time before I was forced to make a purchase on my phone through their website because the refused to match their own website price with a product that was in the store. All in all, Lowes sucks, I am heading to Home Depot right down the street from now on.