In general this is a very typical getgo. On the plus side, the store is always very clean. They recently improved the setup to help the flow and seem to be staying better during peak times.
Now the negatives...
The parking lot is an absolute disaster. Not the worst getgo but bad by any non-getgo standard. Most of the time the pumps are very near full and plenty of people will Park at the pump to go inside. Also if you park in the parking spaces it is very crowded with people walking everywhere. You need to be constantly on the lookout for cats and pedestrians while attempting to move. There is an alley that runs right through the parking lot so cars will fly through while going to the alleyway. Finally things will back up with cars trying to make a left onto Penn instead of going out the side exit to the light.
The service is usually friendly but can be very slow. Besides that, I swear everytime I get sick behind the lady who has such a complicated cigarette order that it requires giving directions to the cashier. Then they need to leave their partially rung up order to buy a lady minute candy bar, the ones across the store, not at the counter then have to dig through their purse to find more change to pay for it. (This may have happened a few times...)