I, too was a Groupon customer. I began my treatments with one technician who often would rush me and really did not appear to like her job at all. A friend of mine had told me that the process hurt a bit but I did not, at the time, find that to be true. That was my first six visits and I saw ZERO results. My next six was with someone much more personable and would actually turn the laser strength up with each visit and didn't understand why that had never happened in the first six visits. Now, that the proper strength was being used, it did smart a bit (nothing horrible) and results were finally happening. But I only had a few more treatments left. I mentioned this to the tech but really didn't get anywhere except she said for $99 more I could purchase more.
Now, almost a year later, I still have to shave or wax my parts as often as before. My underarm hair thinned out a bit but not my bikini area. Very disappointing. 12 visits should have gotten it all and yes, I was a perfect candidate. If the first tech would have actually did her job, this may have been different story. I feel if this was documented that the laser strength was never increased in six visits, I should have been offered additional services. Im sure the owner lost money on this Groupon deal but now he also lost a potential customer for his other services.