Feeling fat and trying to diet and exercise to fit into an extremely expensive bridesmaid's dress, I planned on skipping dinner altogether (yes, bad, I know!) but my fiance had nothing to eat at home (double bad on my part) so we headed over to Springrolls again, 9:30PM-ish.
Wanting something light, I ordered the vegetarian Tom Yum Goong for $4.99 (for $0.60 more you can get shrimp) and started with the Sexy Summer Salad rolls ($5.99)...only because they're the only rolls that use rice paper wrap, not the wheat kind.
And once again, I was blown away. My mouth is watering just thinking about the soup. I've never been big on Thai soups but this had just the right amount of sour and savoury flavours and lots of veggies.
The salad rolls are amazing. veggies and smoked salmon with shrimp all served on this sweet jam-like sauce with a side of sweet dip sauce (no clue what it's called!).
I'm even thinking of heading over there right now to get my fix again.
It was an awesome meal, and very low in carbs (if you care for that kinda thing).