I lived here a few years ago. It's now the mark. Listen.. I too witnessed guns being pulled on people, abuse, drug use, gang violence. I had to call the police SO many times. People breaking into the apartment above me.. Where a baby lived! Not to mention... COCKROACH CENTRAL. No one would come to my apartment for fear of violence and bugs. I wouldn't go outside ever unless it was to get into the car. People threw a tv out their window above us! My nice nerdy neighbor got his face stomped on outside our window and I had to hear the whole thing! The staff knew that the "gangsters" we're breaking into apartments and living there for free and they did nothing about it. I HAD to leave for fear for my life! I left so now they are STILL coming after me for 2300 dollars for canceling lease. They should be paying ME that for the trauma I experienced there. You can change the name all you want.. Please just burn this place down.