My boyfriend and I decided it was time to revamp our bedroom and plan to do everything from floor to ceiling with my tax return. I did have some specifics in mind for the furniture and about a $1,500 price range.
I ended up with an extra day off and decided to use my day off to check furniture. My first stop was Walker. Upone entering i am greeted hy a salesman that asked me what i wanted so i told him and i told him price range. He said "so your pretty much wasting my time, you won't find much of what you are looking for because it is out of style and you definitely won't find anything in your price range." I said "i still would like to look" he proceeds to show me 1 bedroom set that meets my criteria but is twice what i am looking to spend even at 70% off. The whole time he keeps reminding me that my budget is ridiculous and i will find nothing and keeps trying to get me to finance, which i really do not want to do.
I ended up finding the peffect bedroom set with everything (queen bed, 2 night stands, dresser and chest) at RC Willey for less than $1,400 out the door, and it is just as high quality as the set at Walker. Next time i need furniture, Walker will not be on my list of places to check. This is the 2nd time i have been treated this way at Walker.