| - The lacklustre decor and the server's abrupt manner in showing us to our table could have been overlooked had the food been outstanding. But no.
Some meat entrees were overcooked, the salad portion appeared dumped from a plastic bag from NoFrills, and the individual servings seemed slung onto the soggy injera as if being hurled by a stubbly-faced GI in a sweaty T-shirt on some M*A*S*H* rerun. Spice? Absent. Paper napkins on stained linen tablecloth.
But the most mortal sin was not when the server mistook my date's order of white house wine for red, but when she actually began to insist that we take the red anyway, and that we should "because no one else will drink it."
Um. No.
You know, as a people, Canadians are very relaxed in the face of inconvenience and unfairness. I mean, you guys tolerate dry pizza, politicians snorting coke or taking bribes in parking lots, and pay ridiculous bank fees without so much as a blink.
But it made me wonder: has the Canadian sense of tolerance become so ingrained that a high-school age restaurant server can find it in herself to insist that paying diners accept not only what they hadn't ordered, but because others wouldn't want it either?
Can you say, "Not my problem?" Try it, Canadians. Ain't hard. You'll be glad you did.
This Queen deserves a beheading.