Business Manager...
Lets refute your standard reply whereas you attempt to downplay and or invalidate the reviewer (You consistently do this in your reply to all the Non 5 star reviews I have noticed)
1. "We value our customer's honest feedback and would like to speak with you further regarding your sales experience"
Please...if that were the case you would not routinely flag non 5 Star Reviews to have them most routinely are..see number 2 below
2. "We abide by Yelp's rules and regulations and do not have the ability to alter, hide, or remove reviews, paid or not, which creates a fair and honest feedback system."
Please...enough of the boilerplate. Your firm as most others DOES pay for product and services from Yelp. Your firm has subscribed to the Yelp Full Service Plan that provides some of the following useful (they truly are from a business standpoint) features - 1. Targeted Yelp Ads, 2.Removal of competitor ads, 3.Call to Action Button, 4.Upgraded slideshow, 5.Optional high-quality video and 6. Customer Success Support
A Yelp Customer Success Support representative is the key to having FLAGGED (Again you routinely flag all non 5 star reviews) reviews placed into the Yelp filter algorithm and invariably removed (over 90% of the flagged reviews to my understanding) by the Customer Success Support representative since you are a Full Service Plan Business Member...
3."If you would like to speak with our General Manager Mike Tegge, you can reach him at or (480) 407-5800."
This is your standard answer for almost all of the comments you make on non 5 star reviews..I have no interest in talking with the GM...I have already purchased a vehicle from your store and wont be shopping at your store in the future so that would be a waste of time.
Finally...keep in mind, your target market for new and used car sales are Mercedes buyers. This demographic (Mercedes Buyers) is not loyal to a specific store...they are more so loyal to stores that truly give them the "Luxury Upscale" car buying experience they expect. So if a potential or current Mercedes owner who lives in Gilbert views the buying experience as BLAH or MEH at your store they will just drive a bit further to go elsewhere to get that "Luxury Upscale" experience.
Ok Business Manager - Sure you will flag this review but that's fine...Good Luck