Attention, do yourself a favor, save yourself a lot of time and Believe every negative comment on here about NYS and enroll your child elsewhere. I enrolled my son in 8 under Basketball. Downside irate coaching that forget we are dealing with 5-7 year old children, my son was always singled out and talked down upon, every game was poorly officiated and the rules are frustrating to a child who knows real basketball rules. Lots of fighting amongst players as well. I really think NYS committee member should observe the product they are offering and make some serious changes. They are good at pushing uniform sales every season, pictures etc. But needs work in skills training. Anything good? My son learned that he loved the sport even more and he's realized he's a leader in the mist of negative treatment from his Coach. My son has moved on to a more advanced league. Save you time save your money go somewhere else.
Nothing from Shawn C yet after my follow up. I will give it a few more days with no response to my emails and this will solidify my review on NYS.
12/15/2017 Nothing from Shawn C. I feel the fast response is a guise and this review is done.