Short of getting on my hands and knees and begging the stylist to cut ONE HALF of an INCH, I don't know what else I could have done..
Before every haircut I explain that I am very particular about the length of my hair -- I want to keep it long, it grows very slowly, that it is IMPERATIVE to only cut a TINY AMOUNT off, etc, etc. I made this extremely clear to the stylist. She promised that she "wouldn't do anything crazy.."
Let's just say I am using this as a cathartic outlet for my experience because I went in for a trim but left with FOUR INCHES missing from my hair. I'm still recovering aesthetically and emotionally from this trauma! It just doesn't make sense to me why a stylist would do exactly the opposite of what was requested. I think maybe she is used to cutting children's hair and not listening to them. But either way, what should have been a really quick/easy trim, turned into one of the most extreme haircuts of my life. It all could have been so easily avoided. It doesn't feel fair.
Proceed with caution..