Cave Creek is not Chicago, hell it's not Phoenix. But we were watching Sunday night football and all of A sudden my neighbor and I decided that grilling salmon was too much effort. And our BAC prohibited driving We have few choices in town for delivery, one of which is Papa Johns which I find hideous. Not just here but everywhere. I am originally from Portland so I got the awful papa johns experience there as well. Pizza arrived 20 minutes earlier than promised. It was very good. My neighbor ate 3/4 of it I saved one slice for breakfast. If you are here in cave creek it is a great option. Unless you want the take and bake from papa MURPHYs But again, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor when you have no designated drivers among the hungry neighbors watching sports The best daytime pizza ( no delivery) is at The Hideaway Bar and grill up in town Hands down.
So I've obviously had more awesome pizza in foodie Portland, Chicago and NYC. But this is Cave Creek. So a man needs to choose from where he lives
My one criticism is that they don't deliver after 5pm. Which I find to be a stupid business decision, but really, who wants pizza after 5pm except everyone They have a bizarre explanation but it is what it is Give it a try but if you have a pizza craving after 5 and don't feel driving past the MCSO gauntlet you are screwed. So good pizza but order early.