Had the opportunity to volunteer here last weekend thanks to Terri R. who organized it. This food bank is the only one here in Southern Nevada, as the other one is in Reno. So you can imagine what a task it is for them to service the Vegas Valley. The food warehouse was as big as Costco! We were given a tour and also briefed on this wonderful organization. They are able to turn $1 into 3 meals. Bringing food is great but Three Square is able to get the best price possible for food with their purchasing power so seems like monetary donation is better. But they will take food as that is what we spent the morning sorting through looking at expiration dates. Then we packed them up in boxes to be shipped out to the different food facilities throughout Las Vegas.
It is heartbreaking the number of kids that go hungry in our community and now with school almost out, most of these children won't be able to count on a meal. Three Square is working on a summer meal program to feed these kids.
I encourage anyone to donate their time, food or money to this worthy organization. No one should ever go hungry....especially children.