I was looking forward to giving this place another try after being thoroughly un-impressed by this place in 2007, but after seeing this joint on Groupon Now! I thought I'd give it another chance.
I never even got to taste the food. I walked into the restaurant and there were three people sitting at a table who all abruptly looked up at me when I walked in as though I was interrupting their conversation. One of the women got up and gave me a menu and as I perused it, I handed her my Groupon. In broken English, she told me that the Groupon was not good for that day, though it clearly said that it was good on that date from 4PM-8PM. She called her manager, and he supposedly said that I should come back tomorrow with the Groupon. I tried to explain to her that the Groupon was only valid for that day, and she didn't understand.
I finally left, and walked to the Chipotle located convienently about 100 feet from the door of El Patio. I'm normally all about supporting Mom & Pop places, but this place has and probably always will suck.