| - What to do on a freezing cold Sunday when you need to get your kid out of the house and you don't want to spend much money? Well, as of yesterday, it's head to Value Village!
I can honestly say that this VV is the nicest one I've been in - it's huge and clean and well organized. I didn't find my intended target (coffee table) since the furniture section is lacking, but I did find a bunch of other stuff that made me happy (including a beautiful plaid wool scarf made in Scotland for $3!) My young son was angelically behaved and this was because of the toy section and their rolly carts...did he yell and scream for things he wanted? No man, he just grabbed a toy, put it in the cart, and merrily rolled it around for 2 hours. Family friendly? A+
My favourite part of VV North was the book section. Though I read a lot, I don't tend to buy books at thrift stores or yard sales because they are usually an overwhelming mess. My brain needs clean rows of books and I was amazed at VV's organization. Rows and rows of books lined up in perfect harmony. I found three; I had to stop myself and walk away when I realized my son was rolling around bored on the floor, getting pretty dirty.
My only advice is, if you see something you like, grab it right away! I found these awesome wine glasses (clear stems, green tops) and I said to my companion "I am going to pick those up for sure!" I turned around and a woman who had been watching a few feet away swooped in with her daughter: "I think you should get all 3!" There went the awesome glasses. But hey, it's VV and there a lot of treasures to be found on a cold cold Sunday...