Took daughter on a Wednesday night. One person working so he was slammed. Orders were backed up. I counted 10 tickets waiting to be made when I set ours down. I was willing to wait. Sat down and noticed that the music had the *n* word and f with b*tches playing loudly. I was instantly irritated. It's an ice cream place, not a club. 20 minutes later and a group of cute girls come in, the employee turns the music up louder and starts showing off with his ice cream rolling skills. Ok, he's young, whatever. My problem is he leaves to go in back several times and doesn't come back with any supplies in his hands. What what he doing? He is not in a hurry to fill his orders and while I see him put on fresh gloves I never see him wash his hands. He is taking the money and filling the orders and answering the phone. At the close to 30 minute mark, while he's in the back again, I take our tickets off the counter, throw them away and leave.
If you're going to have a business like this, staff enough help and make the environment appropriate. No where in our society is it ok to play music with the *n* word let alone blatant sexual remarks degrading women.... except at clubs where that type of music is accepted, for whatever reason.