| - Whether the problem and snake-like tactics are Guardian or AMP, they are ripping people off and preying on the elderly. My father in law, LEGALLY BLIND and with dementia (alzheimers) , was told he could keep his existing system and start to pay them at a "reduced" rate of $49 per month which is already way above companies like ADT and others who do NOT require a 5 yr contract, which this one is. It has no outs, no nothing. So, after a few years, they sold their home and have been considering moving into assisted living, which may soon turn into nurse assisted living because of both their conditions. Again, no home to transfer contract to. He was told by the agent that it was just a contract he can cancel at anytime. True statement but comes with a penalty of paying the ENTIRE remaining months on the contract. I would have to read in more detail but doubt even death would void the contract.
We have been in contact with them and even, despite my advice, offered a payment to cancel the contract. Fortunately, many of my clients are attorneys, including one who specializes in elderly care issues etc and she has told us there are many laws dealing with taking advantage of the elderly, ESPECIALLY someone who is blind and has dementia. At this rate, I see it far better to fight and get this contract cancelled and attorney fees covered. I cannot imagine any normal person signing a contract to pay MORE per month to have a 5 yr contract when one can pay less and be month to month.. It is one thing to have a system installed. It is another thing to just have it for service as they had no system installed and they used their existing one.
We meet again with the attorneys next week and will proceed with necessary action. It appalls me to see people like my father in law taken advantage of. Between timeshare resale people, timeshare selling people, fake prize winnings, and now this, it is the lowest form of doing business when you prey on the elderly, especially the blind and those suffering from dementia.