Stay away from this place!!
1) If you move here you better get used to scorpions galore! Crawling five feet up on your walls, on your carpets at night, and crawling out of your sinks.
2)They run AHHCCS group homes for troubled individuals for about 12 different apartments for troubled people. Single women should really be wear. There are creepy guys walking in a circle around the complex all day like they are walking around a prison yard like you see on MSNBC lockup lol. Never had a security issue, but after that had my gf's car broken into and her stuff stolen. There are cops there every few weeks for these troubled individual DTC is allowing to use as group homes with out notifying residents. They change the gate locks without notifying notices causing issues when the office is frequently closed. And the gates that make it gated which you pay for are broken several days out of the week allowing anyone in including criminals to visit their friends at the group hom
3) They carpets are beyond worn out, but they will charge you when you move out saying "we have a gentleman who "repairs them and makes them nice again" when you call in after moving out to inquire why they are charging you a few hundred bucks. Ummm you cant make worn out carpets with their sloppy paint stains they got on them, new or even acceptable so just replace them and not be so cheap.... so there is that.
4) They seldom answer the phone at the office when you repairs on their items in your house are a nightmare. They even give you cheap thin plastic toilet seats that have plastic nuts and washers that will not tighten so they dont break loose while you are on the toilet, almost making you slide off the seat as they get a little looser. Cheap and malfunctioning products to repair your apt are the standard procedure.
5) the pool or hot tub is constantly broken for months on end. When you call them they give you some bs excuse about the heater for the hot tub is going to get fixed soon but the heater was on back order. So ummm order it from somewhere else and pay the money you cheap skates lol. There is more than one place that sells them.
6) At night after the office closes unsanitary mexican food trucks of the lower quality show up and bring all kinds of food for sell that attracts rift raft.
Overall they are way too expensive for how old and out of date you are.
Stay away!