| - This saloon is complete fun. On a recent, hot summer weekend trip my dad actually suggested we head over here to watch the bull riding.
It is out on a main road in a nicely setup tourist/ restaurant row in Cave Creek.
We arrived around 7 pm and the parking was at capacity. We headed straight to the back outdoor area as we could hear we arrived right at show time. There's tons of seating, but it was standing room only. The scene completely exceeded my expectation. Lots of cowboy hats, boots, and smiling people.
The MC was funny, charming, and had a nice clear voice. He got the crowd excited.
The actual bull riders didn't stay on too long, but the whole show was a blast. It was just long enough to stand the heat and the dust, before the intermission came. Time for a cold beer to refresh and to go inside to watch some phenomenal dancers, listen to a lively band, and bask in some a/c.
The decor inside enhanced the personality of this establishment. All the servers were super friendly. I felt like a regular. When I'm back in the area, I'll be kickin' some chips at the Buffalo Chip Saloon.