DISCRIMINATION. No joke. A fews things to think about before signing a contract with planet fitness:
1. THEY DO NOT HAVE SCALES- I understand the whole "judge free zone" but come on a big part of getting in shape is knowing how much you weigh so you can see how much body fat you are losing. Extremely frustrating that I can't see my progress on my weight.
2. DRESS CODE- Today I was approached by one of the employees saying that my "low cut tank top" is not allowed to be worn. They said it goes along with the "NO LUNK RULE" I am a 20 year old female, I'm pretty sure you don't need to worry about me being a lunk? They said that this is warning and next time I will not be allowed to come into the gym. WHO CARES what Im wearing I'm there to work out not go to a fashion show.
3. They serve pizza and bagels??? I mean COME ON I'm going to the gym to lose weight not gain more?!?
This place is just downright cheesy and annoying.