Does your dog love to meet new people and make new furry friends? If so, tell me what that's like because I have one angry six pound Yorkie suffering from little man syndrome. He's the bully on the playground.
Anyways, this bar is not made for my tiny terror... but it is still one of my favorite spots to grab a beer. A great place for dog owners and lovers. Enjoy a drink outside while the pooches run around and play.
My group of friends actually ended up here one night on a birthday bar crawl. A roll-the-dice event and someone randomly picked The Dog Bar. Hands down the best stop of the night. The owners and staff were so friendly. The patrons all laid back. It was a really fun night... and none of us brought a dog.
So if you've got a friendly dog or just enjoy dogs in general, this is the place for you. Warning to non-dog owners, one stop here may make you want to run to the Humane Society and adopt one immediately.