| - The milk is fresh, local, and comes in glass bottles. Do I really need to go on?
Maybe it is the sense of nostalgia. Maybe it's the glass bottle. Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting local milk that is from a local dairy and processed here locally. Maybe it's the friendly service we get by dropping by the Dairy itself (although you can buy the milk at AJs now too). I think it's all of the above that makes this milk taste so good.
We are traditionalists in terms of "flavors:" plain or chocolate milk. But they make many flavors like orange, root beer, strawberry, egg nog (during the holidays at least), and, I taste-tested a "coming soon" mocha-flavor.
We bought a six-pack wire carry case, like the milk-men back and the day use to use to drop off your milk on your door step. Not that my husband and I are of the age to remember that exactly, we just like the nostalgia.
The milk is more expensive, but the dairy gives you a $2 refund for returned bottles.
If you can't make it to the dairy itself, then pick up a bottle at AJs and do your own taste-test at home against your Fry's/Safe Way/Basha's, Shamrock Farms, or other brand that comes in carton/plastic. I think you'll taste the difference. It will be so good, you'll say "AHHHHHHH."