I doubt there's a *bad* hike at Red Rock, but who likes trudging on a path with the sun beating down on you while sweat rolls down your back? There are quite a few hikes at Red Rock that do involve a fair amount of exposure/heat along with the beauty. Ice Box Canyon is the no-sun-beating-down-nice-'n-cool hike you've been looking for. At least, it is in mid-October.
There's a bit of a schlep from the parking lot to the mouth of the canyon. Can you guess what we saw on the way? Lots of hairy legs. Eight to be exact. Yes, we encountered a palm-sized tarantula right on the path! So excited as I've never seen one in the wild and the wildlife out here seem a bit shy.
As per its name, the canyon itself is shady and cool. Almost icy! You'll want long sleeves. There is a lot of scrambling and hopping on rocks if you choose (I do!); not for the weak-ankled, but perfect for kids and non-nervous parents. Plenty of company on this trail mid-day, but that did not diminish our enjoyment. We hiked all the way to the waterfall, which wasn't falling. The braver ones in our group scrambled up and reported a lovely pool at the top.
Love this trail and would love to see this in a wetter time of year.