Well Fortunately it's finally my time to move out but the management won't call me back for the walk through,, I think they want to keep my security deposit.....
It will probably go to some cockroach killing company... which would benefit them greatly
I hardly stayed there it was such a slum and the management and yard workers are just the bottom of the barrel.
Especially the accountant and head manager,,,
Like the other reviews posted mine I will fit right in.....
It's one of Phoenix's greater ghetto projects and living there sucks! And
It's depressing there....
I never received back my security deposit from little weasel boy wanna be - accountant over there,, he's such a pussy! He kicks people out of his office and calls the police if you come back in to the apt office and calls them racists and won't answer his phone ,,,that's how he tries to keep your security deposit
That's life in his ghetto slum